User manual


Mobile Bookshelf - a book reader for cell phone.

Mobile Bookshelf transforms text file(s) into a MIDlet - program that can be executed on a mobile handset. When such midlet is started on mobile phone, it lets user to read the text files embedded in it.

Using Mobile Bookshelf GUI user can choose many text formatting parameters - such as a font, interline spacing, etc. Mobile Bookshelf GUI provides preview function that demonstrates how the text will look like, when it's displayed on a mobile phone.


Before installing Mobile Bookshelf, please make sure that you have JRE (Java Runtime Environment) version 1.4.2 or better, installed on your computer. To verify version of JRE you can execute command "java -version" in command window (Start -> Run -> cmd). You should see the message similar to the one below:

java version "1.4.2_05"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_05-b04)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_05-b04, mixed mode)

If you don't have JRE installed, you can download it, using the link below:

Get Java Now!

Mobile Bookshelf distributed as a zip archive, to unpack it please use appropriate program (for example WinRAR or WinZip).

After you've unpacked it, you can launch it using the bookshelf.bat or if you happen to use some sort of *nix OS.

Using GUI

Mobile Bookshelf GUI is a program that builds Mobile Bookshelf midlets. Mobile Bookshelf GUI Screenshot


Using the menu you can add or remove text files, select the default values related to text formatting, choose the model of mobile handset and configure plugins.

Some menu items are accessible with a hotkeys, for example hotkey for File -> Save is Ctrl-S and hotkey for File -> Open is Ctrl-O.

"File" menu

Add text file to a current midlet.
Save midlet (including all it's text files) to a disk file.
Close current text file and remove it from the midlet.
Leave program.

"Configuration" menu

Phone model
Set the model of your handset.
Interface language, default save and open folders.
Source text
Source text settings, paragraph offset, encoding.
Hyphenation, fonts, interline spacing, etc.
Screen Rotation
Rotates screen 90 or 270 degrees for reading in landscape mode.
Add and remove midlet plugins.
Siemens-bw platform does not support screen rotation
Subpixel fonts will not look good when rotated.

"Fonts" menu

Import System font
Imports the font from the set of the system fonts available to java runtime.
Import Palm font
Imports Palm (.pft or .pdb) font from the disk file.
Delete font
Deletes imported font.

Main area

Main GUI area shows files that are currently open. Each file occupies separate tabbed panel with it's filename shown in the tab title. All panels also have controls and preview area.

"Result" controls

Name that will be used to identify this file amongst the others included in the midlet.
Font for a text.
Interline spacing
Space in pixels between text lines.
Paragraph offset
Empty offset at the start of every paragraph.
Justify right edge of the text.
Perform hyphenation.
Left margin
Adds one-pixel margin at the left to improve readability.

"Source" controls

Text language, used for hyphenation.
Text encoding.
Paragraph start
Number of spaces at the start of paragraph in the source text.

Preview area

Using the "Preview" button you can generate a preview of a text, with "Up" and "Down" buttons you can scroll text up and down.

Saving midlet

After you've added all required files to a midlet, and formatted texts according to your preferences, you can save midlet to a disk file.

To save midlet please use menu item (File -> Save) or a hotkey. Midlet will be written with the name you've chosen. Two files will be generated one with .jad and the other with .jar extensions. Both files must be copied to a handset, to a proper location.

Font import

Please note, that fonts antialiasing option is intended for color displays, such fonts will not look good on black-and-white displays.

Also, you can't set font color and font background for fonts imported with ClearType antialiasing.


After you've installed the midlet, you can start it like any other java program. Then you'll briefly see a welcome screen, and the text of the first book included in a midlet will be displayed:

Midlet Screenshot

Scroll text with a joystick or a numeric keys, by page or by line. Midlet will automatically remember the current text position and the current book (if there are several books in the midlet). The rest of functionality is implemented in a form of plugins, and can be removed or added to a midlet.



Displays menu (activated with the right sofbutton), with the "Exit" menu item. Some plugins (for example "gopage") use this plugin, adding own items to its menu.


Shows informational page: date/time, current page number, number of pages in the book, book title. Activated with a numeric button 5.


Allows to go to a specified page in the text, activated through the menu.


Allows to switch between several books in the midlet.


Automatically scrolls text by page, line or by horizontal pixel row, according to the chosen time interval. Activated via menu, time interval is adjusted using the joystick (to left - to right).


To preserve battery charge, this plugin turns off backlight after five minutes of inactivity and exits midlet after 15 minutes.

Plugin wil not perform any actions if midlet is in autoscroll mode.